Turk – 15,000 Tons Of Western Central Bank Gold Is Gone
October 29, 2012
Today James Turk once again shocked King World News when he stated, “… in 1997 over (a stunning) 2,000 tons of gold moved out of Great Britain.” Turk added, “Now since Great Britain is not a gold miner, we know that gold had to come out of the Bank of England (where they store other countries gold), and it probably went into Zurich (Switzerland) for what’s called ‘leasing’ but I use the word ‘lending,’ or lending into the market.”
Turk added this stunning estimate, “At the time I had concluded that it was about 15,000 tons of gold which had actually been put into the market out of central bank vaults. This is approximately half of what central banks reported to own at the time.”
But first, here is what Turk had to say about his last interview titled, “The Entire German Gold Hoard Is Gone,” which has received an incredible amount of attention around the world: “Yes, it’s getting increasing attention, Eric, and rightly so. There has been a lot of deception about how much gold is really in central bank vaults.
The Rest…HERE