New York City Peak Threat Hours: 7-10 PM When The Flooding Begins
by Tyler Durden
As meteorologists have been repeating all day, the biggest threat for NYC is not so much the rain, or even the wind, dangling cranes hundreds of feet above ground notwithstanding, but the storm surge. The threat here is that Hurricane Sandy will hit land just as the tide comes in, resulting in a double whammy which Wunderground has called a “gigantic bulge of water that will raise waters levels to the highest storm tides ever seen in over a century of record keeping.” Add to this the impact of the full moon, which means that high tide will be 5% higher than average for the month, and Wunderground’s conclusion is inevitable: “This is a higher destructive potential than any hurricane observed since 1969, including Category 5 storms like Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Camille, and Andrew… Sandy’s storm surge will be capable of overtopping the flood walls in Manhattan, which are only five feet above mean sea level.” How high are we talking: Sandy’s storm surge will be capable of overtopping the flood walls in Manhattan, which are only five feet above mean sea level… According to the latest storm surge forecast for NYC from NHC, Sandy’s storm surge is expected to be 10 – 12′ above MLLW. Since a storm tide of 10.5′ is needed to flood the subway system, it appears likely that portions of the NYC subway system will flood.” Luckily for all, the NY Fed’s tungsten gold, which is 50 feet below sea level (and 80 feet below the surface) and is in the Zone C flood evacuation area, will be perfectly “safe.” And after all tungsten gold will never just float away.
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