Bad Signs On The NWO Highway Of Death
October 27, 2012
In 2001 Epicyte Corporation isolated a protein that causes sterility and spliced its gene into corn so that men and women eating the corn would become sterile. They sold that technology to Monsanto and to DuPont. To date No Congressman, No Senator and No Presidential candidate has dared ask Monsanto, DuPont and Epicyte what they are doing with that Genetically Modified corn that sterilizes us and our children.
The world has more debt than at any time in the past 500 years. That means we are headed to the worst Depression in 500 years. Depressions simply put are periods in history when debts are cancelled through massive bankruptcies, unemployment, Austerity and tax increases because we have not yet learned to choose scientific Debt Cancellation instead of all that pain and all those wars.
10% of all American teenagers will have a previously rare liver disease (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD) by the time they reach their 19th birthday. High Fructose Corn Syrup from Genetically Modified corn has been cited as the cause by many scientists. There has been an exponential growth in the consumption of GM HFCS as well as that rare liver disease. Can you estimate what percentage of Americans will be suffering from that previously rare liver disease in ten years?
America today is losing 23 manufacturing plants a day. That is after having lost more than 50,000 manufacturing plants since NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act).
Genetically Modified Organisms in multiple studies have been proven to cause cancer in test animals. GMO food after three generations produces sterile and diseased runts with underweight internal organs.
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