By J.B. Williams
October 28, 2012
Yes, Obamanomics are horrific! — No, it’s not just the economy this time stupid. What the Obama administration have done to intentionally destroy the U.S. economy is cause enough for a political hanging of everyone in the Obama administration. The people responsible for driving our nation’s debt up more than 60% in less than four years, while decimating jobs and forcing a record number of Americans onto federal assistance, demands a short rope swinging from the political tree.
• Unemployment still in double digits and worsening
• 80% of college grads cannot find work in chosen profession
• Over 40% of Americans now on federal assistance (an all-time high)
• National debt UP 60% since taking office (over $16 trillion)
• An 84% failure rate on “green” taxpayer investments that most taxpayers opposed
• Average American income DOWN over $4000 per year
• Home values still DOWN more than 30% nationally
• Businesses are closing and investors are leaving America
• Obama has sent more jobs overseas than all of the last five presidents combined
• Cost of gas UP 137%
• Cost of potatoes UP 306%
• Cost of butter and coffee UP more than 150%
• Beef, milk and flour UP more than 100%
• Eggs and rice UP over 70%
And that is the good news…. The economic terrorism waged on the American people by the Obama administration is nothing when compared to the national security threat this administration represents.
The Rest…HERE