“Never Seen Anything Like This”: Hurricane Sandy begins merging with polar air mass, threatens US East Coast — Over a dozen nuclear plants brace for impacts (VIDEO & MAP)
By ENENews
October 27th, 2012
Title: Nuclear Regulatory Commission watches reactors in Frankenstorm’s path
Source: Bloomberg News
Date: October 26, 2012 at 4:53 PM
Nuclear reactors in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast are being monitored for potential impacts by Hurricane Sandy, a Category 1 storm that may strike anywhere from Delaware to southern New England.
“Because of the size of it, we could see an impact to coastal and inland plants,” Neil Sheehan, a spokesman based in Philadelphia for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said by phone today. “We will station inspectors at the sites if we know they could be directly impacted.” […]
Nuclear plants in the projected path of the hurricane include North Anna and Surry in Virginia, Calvert Cliffs in Maryland, Hope Creek and Salem in New Jersey, Indian Point in New York and Millstone in Connecticut [and Pilgrim in Plymouth, MA]. The NRC is considering enhancing inspector coverage of these reactors, Sheehan said in an e-mail today. […]
Reuters: Sandy, dubbed a “Frankenstorm” by one government forecaster, has begun merging with a polar air mass over the eastern United States, potentially spawning a hybrid super-storm that could wreak havoc along the U.S. East Coast.
Title: Sandy: Serious As a Heart Attack
Source: Bryan Norcross, Hurricane Specialist at The Weather Channel
Date: 4:05 AM GMT on October 27, 2012
…] the polar jet stream takes over and re-energizes the storm increasing the winds and growing the size. […]
[…] the best computer forecast models independently insist that this is what’s going to happen… and the not-so-reliable ones say the same thing. So, beginning immediately, it comes down to figuring out how to deal with it. […]
Then there’s the wind which is expected to be MUCH higher than Irene at the skyscraper level. […]
It’s hard to imagine how millions of people are not going to be without power for an extended period of time.
[…] The best guess right now is that the peak winds will come in overnight Monday night… near high tide and under a full, flooding moon. A triple whammy. […]
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