Former NASA Scientist Says “Western Lifestyle” Allows For Global Population Of 500 Million Max
Jurriaan Maessen
October 26, 2012
DeWayne Cecil, a former NASA climatologist, has argued recently on the Sharon Kleyne Hour Radio Talk Show that the earth cannot support more than 500 million people if the current “western” lifestyles persist. He also stressed that population control and fresh water resource management are “top global priorities”.
Dr. Cecil, who was a researcher for both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, currently works for the alarmist National Climatic Data Center in Ashville, North Carolina.
Although dr. Cecil, who specializes in climatic data, acknowledges that the question whether humans are responsible for climate change has not been answered definitively, he expressed his concern that “Earth can only sustain a half-billion people in a “Western” consumption oriented lifestyle”.
As I related in a recent article the number of 500 million has been fixed by both demographers and ecologists as “optimum population size” over the last century.
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