Nigel Farage – We Are Headed To A ‘One World Government’
October 24, 2012
In an incredibly powerful interview, today MEP (Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage told King World News, “They even want to get eurozone countries to change their constitutions, to write in their constitutions that they will obey all orders from Brussels.” Farage also warned “So it is very, very difficult to ignore those voices who have been telling me for 20 years that behind all of this there are a group of people that want to create a one world government … it’s beginning to stare us in the face.”
Farage also discussed gold, but first, here is what he had to say about the ongoing crisis: “We’ve reached a point in this where, despite the massive economic the massive economic, political, and social problems that exist within the eurozone, and indeed an argument that the North and the South of Europe are diverging by the day, despite all of that, the political class have got so much the upper hand in Brussels, that, actually, they are moving to more and more extreme tactics.”
Nigel Farage continues:
“(This is being done) to lock countries in to a new form of government which is so far removed from any concept of liberal democracy that I think it’s quite frightening. So I really made the point yesterday (in Parliament) that all of these bailouts that we’ve seen, (were designed to have) they (the countries) get put directly under the command and control of the institutions of the European Union.
And frankly, their prime ministers become puppets. And in terms of the people that want to create the European state, they are delighted. They would almost like everyone to go bankrupt and then they are really in charge….
The Rest…HERE