Guilford Co. NC Voters Say Ballot Cast for Romney Came up Obama on Machine
Adan Salazar
October 24, 2012
With the presidential election weeks away, residents of Guilford County, North Carolina were alarmed to find out that their voting machines may have been manipulating votes, as some claim their votes for Romney were changed to votes for Obama.
“I was so upset this could happen,” voter Sher Coromalis told Coromalis tried at least three times unsuccessfully to cast her vote for Mitt Romney at early polling, and each time her vote was counted as a vote for Obama.
Coromalis also said she had to press the selection button several times before it was accepted, a problem another voter, Marie Haydock, confirmed having. “The frustration is every vote counts,” Haydock told Fox, convinced that numbers reported by recent Gallup and Rasmussen polls actually reflect the people’s choice.
The Guilford County board of elections tried to explain off the mishap, saying this type of problem is definitely “not a conspiracy” and is solved by recalibrating the machine. “It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected,” Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert said trying to calm suspicions of foul play.
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