Rise of The Obamney Zombie: The End of The Era of American Leadership?
Saman Mohammadi
Oct 22, 2012
“That era of American dominance is drawing to a close as the country’s relative power declines, along with its ability to manage global economics and security.
This does not mean the United States will go the way of Great Britain during the first half of the twentieth century. As Harvard’s Stephen Walt wrote in this magazine last year, it is more accurate to say the “American Era” is nearing its end. For now, and for some time to come, the United States will remain primus inter pares–the strongest of the major world powers–though it is uncertain whether it can maintain that position over the next twenty years. Regardless, America’s power and influence over the international political system will diminish markedly from what it was at the apogee of Pax Americana. That was the Old Order, forged through the momentous events of World War I, the Great Depression and World War II. Now that Old Order of nearly seven decades’ duration is fading from the scene. It is natural that U.S. leaders would want to deny it–or feel they must finesse it when talking to the American people. But the real questions for America and its leaders are: What will replace the Old Order? How can Washington protect its interests in the new global era? And how much international disruption will attend the transition from the old to the new?” – Christopher Layne, “The End of Pax Americana: How Western Decline Became Inevitable,” The Atlantic, April 26, 2012.
The last debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney was not a debate about the most pressing questions of the hour but a parade of American power. It was a charade of a debate. There is a greater range of opinion at a rally of a totalitarian political party, whether current or historical.
There was also no passion in their words. The spirits of Lincoln and Douglas are saying, “Where is the fire in your bellies? Where is the drama of a debate? Where is the great display of American common sense and wisdom?”
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