Eyes Wide Shut – “We Are In A Bad Spot”
by Chris Martenson
We cannot escape the conclusion that things remain hopelessly off track. Whatever form of ‘recovery’ is being sought here simply will not arrive. The core of our views is shaped by the idea that the very thing being sought, more economic growth (and exponential growth, at that), is exactly the root of the problem. We suppose we would take a similarly dim view of an alcoholic trying to drink their way back to health as we do the increasingly interventionist central bank and associated political policies the world over. We are losing hope that we will navigate towards anything other than a hard landing at some point because even with copious amounts of data accumulating suggesting that the old ways are not working, we cannot detect even the slightest hint of original thinking or new thoughts coming out of the marbled halls of power. Business-as-usual and more-of-the-same seem to be the only operative ideas right now. But what is a bit startling to me is the number of individuals that have not yet caught onto the idea that things have permanently and irrevocably changed.
The Rest…HERE