Deus Ex Machina & Ground Zero Of Fiat Currency Destruction
October 21, 2012
Today 40 year veteran, Robert Fitzwilson, wrote the following piece exclusively for King World News. Fitzwilson, who is founder of The Portola Group, warned, “While cash and debt instruments have been the safe choice in the past, they are ground zero for the continuing destruction of fiat currencies.” He also cautioned, “The final destruction will be swift and violent, so preparation needs to be made before that day.”
Below is Fitzwilson’s exclusive piece for KWN:
“Deus Ex Machina has roots that go deep into the history of Western literature. It is a literary technique used to resolve seemingly impossible predicaments. At the end of the tragedy or even the comedy, a god-like form emerges from the ceiling or the floor, supported by some mechanical device, the machine. All then ends well.
In Byzantium, it was not unknown for the Emperor to descend “from the Heavens” by a mechanical chair to remind the people in the court of his divinity and bring whatever intractable issue at hand to a happy conclusion….
The Rest…HERE