Tokyo Legal Expert: Once a nuclear accident occurs EVERYTHING is over! — Zero prospect of ever restoring fishing grounds — Warns Californians of quake risks, “All will be lost, this is the reality of nuclear energy” (VIDEO)
By ENENews
October 20th, 2012
Title: Masaki KITO, Attorney in Tokyo, on Fukushima and fishing
Published by: A4NR
Published on: Oct 19, 2012
Emphasis Added
Masaki KITO, an attorney in Tokyo, is suing Tepco for ongoing damages caused by the Fukushima nuclear disaster: Let me be clear: Once an accident occurs EVERYTHING is over! Those who make a living from fishing will have zero prospects of ever restoring their fishing grounds after a single accident. […]
Accidents are more likely from mistakes in the siting of a nuclear plant. […]
Diablo Canyon [California, US] also needs a thorough study of its faults. The current assumption of seismic force seems to be grossly underestimated based on what we experienced in Japan. We’ve already experienced a M9.0 quake here. Similar sized faults anywhere in the world could produce another M9.0 quake. […]
Please understand once that happens, all will be lost. This is the reality of nuclear energy today.
The Rest…HERE