The Recipe For U.S. Hyperinflation, Looming Dollar Collapse
By: Graham Summers
Market Oracle
Oct 21, 2012
For the last year, I’ve steered clear of commenting on the US Presidential election for the simple reason that I wanted us to be closer to the actual date before I went through the process of explaining what’s to come.
The reason for this is that elections by their very nature are conflicting processes. Most people vote based on emotions when we are in fact electing someone to fulfill a role that is economic in nature.
This is evident in the fact that the political hot issues being promoted (abortion, gay marriage, etc.) are in fact peripheral (they directly impact a small minority of the population) while the larger more pressing issues (the US deficit, the debt, the US Dollar, the Fed) receive very little airtime.
I didn’t want to get sucked into this because frankly, there’s no point. The US is facing much bigger issues than whether or not someone wants us to pay for their birth control or whether people of the same gender want to be married.
I apologize if this offends anyone, but this is the truth. Today, the US is running its fourth $1+trillion deficit. Our Deficit to GDP ratio is nearly 10%. Our “official” Total Debt to GDP is well over 100% though when you include the debt hidden in various Government entities and unfunded liabilities we’re well over a Debt to GDP ratio of 300% at this point.
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