Turk – One Of The Most Important Gold Charts Ever
October 19, 2012
Today James Turk sent King World News one of the most important gold charts ever. The charts reveals that despite recent weakness, “Gold is in an exponential upward trend.” Turk also added: “This is exactly the pattern that you see when a currency is heading toward hyperinflation, and this chart shows all four currencies headed that way.”
Here is what Turk had to say in this King World News exclusive, along with his incredibly powerful chart: “I think John Embry got it exactly right in his KWN interview this week, Eric. John made the point about the US election coming up and the effort to make everything look as good as possible. We already saw that happen earlier in the month when the questionable unemployment number was released.”
James Turk continues:
“That unemployment release even got the mainstream people raising their eyebrows when they saw the big drop. Now we are seeing it in gold and silver. Just about everybody recognizes that the precious metals markets are rigged, to use John’s term.
As a consequence, gold and silver were beaten up a little, which can make a week like this one a bit discouraging….
The Rest…HERE