One Week Until U.S. Has 3 Aircraft Carriers Facing Iran
Potential for ‘October Surprise’ as tensions build
Paul Joseph Watson
October 18, 2012
In just one week, the United States will have three aircraft carriers facing Iran, the number usually regarded as sufficient for a state of war.
The latest Stratfor naval update map shows that the USS John C. Stennis has now arrived in the waters just outside Iran, joining the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. Although there were already two aircraft carriers in the region prior to Stennis’ arrival, the USS Enterprise left for a scheduled port visit in Naples, Italy.
“In a week or so, shore leave will be over and CVN will be back to join everyone else, at which point the US will finally have three aircraft carriers just off the Iranian coastline ready to rumble,” reports Zero Hedge.
In response to this build-up, along with exercises involving the US, UK and Middle Eastern countries focused around clearing mines in the Strait of Hormuz, Iran has launched a Tareq-901 submarine and a Sahand destroyer into the Gulf from the port of Bandar Abbas.
“At the same time, as stated on (Ayatollah) Khamenei’s official website, the Supreme Leader was visiting the northern coastal city of Nowshahr to observe naval cadets practice planting mines, rescuing hijacked ships, destroying enemy ships, and rapid deployment via helicopters,” reports
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