Intensified Warrantless Spying in America
Stephen Lendman, Conributor
Monday, October 15, 2012
Newly released ACLU Justice Department documents and Kurt Eichenwald’s just-published book titled 500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars provide new information on lawless spying in America.
Eichenwald described “the most dramatic expansion of NSA’s power and authority in the agency’s 49-year history.” It was devised days after 9/11, he said. In fact, it began much earlier.
In December 2000, the NSA said:
The volumes and routing of data make finding and processing nuggets of intelligence information more difficult. To perform both its offensive and defensive mission, NSA must ‘live on the network.’
Its mission demand(s) a powerful, permanent presence on a global telecommunications network that will host the ‘protected’ communications of Americans as well as the targeted communications of adversaries.
Who knows when this began. Bet on long before 9/11. That incident made it easier. Doing so disregards Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) provisions. International and domestic law considerations never compromised America’s imperium or how it operates domestically.
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