Preparing for the Collapse
By James Corbett
October 13 2012
They say the best defense is a good offense, but sometimes it’s the exact opposite. If you have a good defense, you don’t need to worry about what offense the other team has. Such is the case with the coming financial collapse.
Readers of this publication will know by now that the collapse of the current global financial order is a mathematical certainty at this point. You will also be familiar with how the banksters plan to use the chaos created in the wake of that collapse to re-order the financial, monetary, and political system to further consolidate their control over world affairs. This is the “problem-reaction-solution” idea that has been articulated at length in the alternative media of late, whereby the very people who are in the position to cause the problem (the banksters rigging the markets, creating the debt bubbles, puppeteering the bailouts, and performing the quantitative easing) are in the position to benefit from the proposed “solutions” to these problems (deepening of international monetary controls, deepening of political and monetary integration between nations, steps toward global government and one world financial system, implementation of total surveillance cashless society). In this case, all they have to do is create the chaos by crashing the system and the public will soon be clamoring for the banksters and their political puppets to “save” them from the collapse.
The Rest…HERE