Exclusive – Riots & Money Fleeing The Euro Into Gold & Silver
October 13, 2012
King World News received the following communication from the largest bullion dealer in Norway. The source wrote to KWN, “Today was not a good day being a Norwegian and believer in personal freedom. Attached are some thoughts from Norway.” This King World News exclusive piece was written by Martin Mesicek of Gold Source, and he concludes the report by discussing what citizens of the EU are doing right now in the gold and silver markets.
October 13, 2012 (King World News) – This is further evidence of how disconnected the political elite has become from the people. I wonder what the citizens of troubled EU countries feel about a peace prize being awarded to a technocratic elitist project that has practically tied the hands and feet of any sovereign fiscal response to the ongoing crises by governments in countries such as those of Greece and Spain. I can only hope they are laughing. The troika’s demand for cuts and slow and painful structural reforms, in exchange for further indebtedness, does not create peace in Europe — quite the opposite. This is evident in the streets, where riots and protests are growing in intensity.
Admittedly it is not hard to understand the argument that the EU has played a role in stabilizing Europe after World war II, but so have many other polities. In hindsight during the Cold War both NATO and the Soviet Union contributed to “stability and peace.” So why not give the peace prize to the more or less constantly active fighting forces of NATO?
To provide some details about the committee that actually makes the decision that may not be communicated in international media:
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