The Idiot Box: How TV Is Turning Us All Into Zombies
Television re-wires your mind and alters your consciousness; Studies find that children’s brains are not developing properly
Steve Watson
Oct 12, 2012
TV turns you into a zombie.
While these words are more often than not used as a tiresome metaphor to highlight how much crap we are forced to endure on television today, they do in fact serve as a deadly accurate literal statement.
Two separate studies this month alone have found that excessive amounts of television, even if it is merely on in the background, can detrimentally effect the development of children’s brains, to the point where they struggle to socially engage when they become older.
Add to this the already extensively documented impact that the television has on all of us, the power it has to literally alter our consciousness and shut down critical thinking, and it is no wonder that it was long ago dubbed the idiot box.
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