Meningitis Bio-Weapon False Flag? John Moore And Ann Morrison: “Everyone Who Got Injected Is Going To Die”- “You Can Breath It In?”
John Moore welcomes Ann Morrison to his show at the 2 minute 50 second mark for a discussion about the recent meningitis outbreak across America with some very disturbing new information from the CDC. The 10 minute segment to follow holds can’t miss information for anyone who may be concerned about this outbreak and whether or not it is actually a false flag bio attack upon America.
Tremendously disturbing is new information that this is linked to corn mold and rotted corn stalks and the drought that we have had across America. “If you are out doing anything with corn, be sure to wear a mask…you don’t want to carry it into your house…this is a catastrophe… you can innocently become infected while being out cleaning up your yard…it will go into your lungs, YOU CAN BREATH IT IN…. if you have a cut…it can get into your bloodstream…”
Those very words spoken by Ann Morrison sounds to me like this is MUCH more than we are being told… Is this a widespread bio-false flag just waiting to happen? Does this have anything at all to do with Monsanto and round-up ready corn? Ann’s statements in this video open up far too many sinister questions than provide answers…
“They have no way of treating this…everyone who got injected is going to die, and they’re going to die a miserable death….we know we’re going to have 12,000 deaths that can be attributed to being injected by this medicine…”
“They’ve lengthened the incubation period of this disease, they used to say it’s a month, now they say it’s three months…” “Anyone who has been injected will get these diseases…”