Financial Tsunami Heading To Shore Has Been Building for 80 Years!
Market Oracle
Oct 12, 2012
If you’re a passenger aboard a ship in deep water, you can’t detect a tsunami; the swells are indistinguishable from regular ocean waves. Wave lengths can be hundreds of miles long, but only when this energy reaches shallow water does the mammoth tsunami wall form — and can wash over anything in its path.
So when forecasters warn “Move to higher ground!” it’s not wise to think, “Until I see the tsunami, I won’t believe it’s coming.” Once it’s visible, it’s probably too late.
It’s equally unwise to ignore signs of a financial tsunami.
Investors who wait … before acting will be too late. We have to anticipate developments, and the only way we can do that is to use tools that reveal signs of approaching trend change.
The Elliott Wave Theorist, March 2012
The most famous financial tsunami in modern history occurred in 1929-32. Almost no one saw it coming. For example, the observation below was made shortly before the 1929 Crash.
Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.
Yale Professor Irving Fisher, Oct. 1929
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