Britain deploys troops to Jordan as ‘mission creep’ possibility rises
Fri Oct 12, 2012
The UK military has deployed its personnel to the Kingdom of Jordan, where US special operation forces have been preparing the ground for a military onslaught against neighboring Syria under the disguise of training Jordanian forces.
The deployment of British troops to Jordan and the presence of an initial contingent of 150 US military planners there could raise the possibility of a “mission creep” as the crisis in Syria turns to become a proxy war, with terrorists fighting the popular government of President Bashar al-Assad receiving direct support from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar and indirect backing from the US and its NATO allies.
Jordan has confirmed the presence of both US and UK military personnel on its soil, claiming that they are there to assist them develop techniques to protect civilians in case of a fallout from the civil war in Syria.
This is while that the protests in Syria, from the very outset, were the result of a covert US-NATO intelligence operation geared towards triggering social chaos, with the ultimate goal of discrediting the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad and destabilizing Syria.
Terrorist attacks inside Syria are carried out by trained gunmen and snipers including mercenaries who are tasked with the indiscriminate killing of men and women and children as part of a US-NATO-Israeli initiative which supports the formation of “an armed entity” operating inside Syria.
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