Guest Post: How To Identify The True Enemies Of Freedom
by Brandon Smith
The greatest and most often exploited weakness of any revolution for freedom is the inability of the downtrodden populace to identify the true enemy. History is littered with the shattered remnants of rebellions that were built upon legitimate causes but suffered because of misdirection and faulty assumptions. For centuries, the real culprits of tyranny have found ways to redirect the ire of those they harmed in their quest for power, usually by offering a tempting scapegoat that appeals to the public’s darker impulses; their biases, their prejudices, their fears, etc. Usually, this ends in an even more pervasive totalitarian environment as the insurgents and the scapegoats decimate each other while the elites sit back and enjoy the show.
Even the most successful battles against despotism, like the American Revolution, often only had a distant sense of who they were really fighting against. This is what makes the 21st Century extraordinarily unique in the annals of civilization. For the first time in human record, the common man has all the information necessary to examine and define the real culprits behind his subjugation. The truth is at our fingertips, all we have to do is reach out and take it…
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