Extreme Weather Will Continue To Wreak Havoc On Already-Devastated Crops
Jim Roemer
Oct. 9, 2012
SnowMageddon (U.S. snow drought last winter); historical spring tornadoes; the worst Midwest summer grain drought since the dust bowl days of the 1930s; record ice melt over the Arctic; an historical drought last winter that severely damaged Brazil and Argentina’s soybean and corn crops—are these events all precursors of more wild weather to come?
While we are firm believers in global warming and climate change, sunspots as well as what is happening in the oceans will also have a profound affect on our climate. Such commodities as cocoa, soybeans, corn, wheat, coffee and natural gas will be affected by global weather events the next few months. Below we discuss some of the possible trading opportunities in commodity ETFs based on global weather influences.
El Nino Not Forming, but Solar Activity and Global Ocean Temps Will Impact Our Fall and Winter Weather
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