TSA Worker ‘Smacked Me In My Testicles’ For Refusing Body Scan
Federal screeners now crushing genitals as form of punishment
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
October 8, 2012
Illustrating once again how the TSA is handing out arbitrary punishments for people who exercise their right to opt out of radiation-firing body scanners, frequent flier Steven deForest described how he had his testicles “smacked” by a TSA screener for refusing to go through the scanner.
While traveling through Las Vegas, deForest chose to opt out of a naked body scanner and was told to wait in a glass holding box.
“A bulky young TSA agent came over to pat me down,” deForest told author Christopher Elliott. “He told me to turn around. He was using his command voice, barking orders. I told him that I wasn’t comfortable turning away from my luggage, which had already been screened, and wanted to keep it in my sight.”
The agent issued more orders — “Stay there, I didn’t tell you to move!” and “Empty your pockets!” — and deForest says the federal screener seemed irritated that he didn’t obey him without hesitation.
And that’s when deForest says he was punished. The agent knelt in front of him to conduct a pat-down.
“As he raised his hands he was looking at me,” he says. “Then he gave a quick flick and smacked me in one of my testicles.”
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