A Patriot’s Warning about the Growing Obama Police State:Lieutenant Commander Walther Fitzpatrick III (ret.)
October 7, 2012
Lieutenant Commander Walther Fitzpatrick III (ret.) has been bucking a corrupt military and government system for years. He has put himself on the line and in severe jeopardy for his country and its people on multiple occasions–many of which resulted in corrupt officials bringing trumped-up charges against him followed by severe beatings at the hands of “law enforcement” members both at the time of his arrest and while he was in custody. Walter’s battles against the totalitarian system are chronicled at his website “The Jag Hunter.”
With his Intel contacts and personal experiences, LTC Fitzpatrick has kept abreast of what is happening both overseas and with the growing police state here at home. Chillingly–under the Obama syndicate–it is as bad as it looks. It had been quite awhile since I conducted an interview of this vigilant patriot. Considering what is happening in our country today, I thought it time for another.
The Interview
Sher: Thanks so much for talking to my readers, again, about what is now transpiring in our country. It has been at least a couple of years since our last interview, Walt. During that time there have been so many tyrannical actions committed by the Obama syndicate–including your arrests under trumped-up or no charges and physical assaults by Monroe County, TN “law enforcement”–that it boggles the mind. However, over the last year or so, it appears that the pace has been picked up. Trainloads of heavy artillery–including hundreds of tanks–are being shipped all over the nation and unprecedented military drills are occurring in cities all over the country. The “black helicopters” are buzzing residential homes in the middle of the night–in various cities and towns across the country; most recently in Worcester, Massachusetts in what appear to be attempts to intimidate the civilian population of our country. As a former Naval officer, what do you make of all of this?
Walt: Military forces are researching, developing and practicing urban warfare tactics in plain sight for use here at home.
Plans and tactics trotted out in the Middle East are imports, now being further developed and honed on home soil, presently described in martial parlance as that battle space denominated: Northern Command. (Link)
The reality, what we all face is that senior military officers–most of whom are accurately described as “command racketeers”–are no more obedient to the Constitution than is ‘resident’ Obama. This explains their promotions to high rank. (Link)
Years ago public surveys put the question to Americans as to who most they trusted in government. Routinely the answers came back with a thoroughgoing endorsement for our U.S. servicemen. Well, that’s not the case today. It’s because we can’t trust our military’s leadership we can’t trust what troops under their command might do.
And if the order ever were issued to take down and lock up Americans, it becomes the ignition point, the spark wildly escalating the Civil War already commenced (presently experienced in its lowest levels of combat).
You see, some in uniform would follow the order (as some already have).
Others would condemn and disobey their commanders (as some already have). An historical parallel to a time once where the political questions of the time pitted father against son, son against father and brother against brother in mortal combat.
The Rest…HERE