The Myth of Overpopulation: Force Mass Sterilizations in Developing Nations
Susanne Posel
October 5, 2012
Economists claim that overpopulation is causing poverty in underdeveloped nations. In the Philippines, there is an initiative to control the burgeoning population by forcing family planning onto the citizens. Josefina Natividad, director of the University of the Philippines’ Population Institute (UPPI), explains: “If you increase access to contraceptives for women … you will have births averted.”
The UPPI began with a grant from the globalist think-tank the Ford Foundation in 1964. They influence the Philippine government with research and coercion to push population control agendas with a focus on its impact on local and international communities. The UPPI works with UN-sponsored non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to receive technical assistance in providing reproductive health products.
A reproductive health bill is being pushed by Catholic priests in the Philippines that is expected to “slow population growth”. The church asserts that this will lead to the ideal that abortion is a viable way to keep more children from being born. Father Melvin Castro, executive secretary of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines’ Episcopal Commission on Family and Life , says that: “It’s our firm belief that contraceptives will never be the answer. They are poor not because they have no access to contraceptives but because they have no work. Give them work and it will be the most effective birth spacing means for them.”
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