War With Iran Started Five Years Ago
Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
October 4, 2012
Syria’s mortar attack that killed civilians inside Turkey will prove to be the final domino to fall in a coordinated effort to take down both Syria and Iran. It is part of a not-so covert war started more than five years ago following the invasion of Iraq and the occupation of Afghanistan.
A wider and far more deadly war is now coming into view as Iran gears up for an inevitable attack and the U.S. and its partners escalate proxy wars inside Iran and Syria and fan the flames of conflict in northern Africa.
The global elite and their corporate and bankster partners are determined to force on Iran the fate suffered by Iraq – more than a million killed and its civilian infrastructure decimated – and implement the globalist plan of balkanization and order out of chaos realized through never-ending sectarian and religious violence.
Evidence of the covert and not so covert war against Iran and other enemies in the Middle East abounds, as we note below:
“As a global-macro analyst, I am frequently asked if war with Iran will come and, if so, when,” writes Jim Rickards, a Wall Street economist and investment banker, wrote in February.
“My answer is that the war has already begun. It’s not a shooting war – yet. What the U.S. and Israel are now waging with Iran is what experts call unrestricted warfare. This is warfare that consists of sabotage, assassination, special operations, psychological operations, attacks on critical infrastructure, cyber warfare and – the most recent addition to the arsenal – financial warfare.”
The Rest…HERE