Fast and Furious scandal blown wide open by Univision
by: J. D. Heyes
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
In a report that is essentially a total indictment of members and agencies of the Obama Administration – most notably, Attorney General Eric Holder and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives – as well as the American media establishment, most of which has dedicated its time and resources to helping Barack Obama win reelection – Spanish language television network Univision has blown wide open the “Fast and Furious” scandal.
In a bombshell investigative report broadcast Sunday, one filled with scathing details and grim, grisly video including security-cam footage of actual execution-style murders and blood-soaked rooms (there’s your warning, for those of you who might be a little unnerved by that kind of real-life graphic violence), the network said it discovered that in January 2010, drug cartel hit men annihilated students with guns the U.S. government allowed to flow to them across the border into Mexico.
“On January 30, 2010, a commando of at least 20 hit men parked themselves outside a birthday party of high school and college students in Villas de Salvarcar, Ciudad Juarez,” said an English version of the report, posted on the ABC News website.
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