By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
October 1, 2012
(Note: Recently, there has been a news item about the discovery of an ancient papyrus alleging that Jesus had a wife. Of course, there is no such indication in THE HOLY BIBLE, and I am skeptical about this recent discovery. For example, you can see a picture of the actual papyrus on the internet, and there is something curious about it. Looking at the papyrus from left to right, about one-third the way across it, the papyrus from top to bottom looks as though it is thinned. Correspondingly, the letters along the thinned place seem faint, as they should, except on the last full line where the letter is bold, which it should not be! This could mean that while the papyrus itself is ancient, the lettering may not be.)
One of the primary mechanisms used by the Power Elite (PE) over the centuries to accomplish its goals is misdirection. For example, many people have been misdirected into believing the American Civil War was fought over the existence of slavery in the South. Actually, only about 7% of Southerners owned slaves at the time of the war, but in one of my earlier NewsWithViews columns, and in my book THE POWER ELITE AND THE SECRET NAZI PLAN, I relate the PE’s tactic of promoting an issue (abolition of slavery) that would split the U.S. , so the PE could create a Gulf Empire consisting of the Southern states along with Central America and the Caribbean islands.
The Rest…HERE