Dylan Ratigan With Author Ron Suskind: “Tim Geithner Ran The White House, Stopped Attorney General Eric Holder From Prosecuting Wall Street”
Who’s the White House boss?
Start watching at the 2-minute mark. This is the most important Ratigan clip since his on-air meltdown. You will hear that Geithner and Summers defied orders from Obama and took over White House policy, instructing Attorney General Eric Holder to back off Wall Street criminal prosecutions.
“Geithner developed a system to keep the existing Wall Street structure in place with no prosecutions, and billions in additional bailouts.”
You got that? That’s called an Executive Gag Order – Mr. President, shut your pie hole.
Don’t tell anyone that a tax cheat shilling for Wall Street is actually the President of the United States of America and not the tall guy reading from the teleprompter.
The Rest…HERE